Thursday 12 September 2013

Lesson Plan


3 Taqwa
20 th August 2013
11.15 pm - 12.15 pm
Number of Pupils
World Of Knowledge
Unit 7: Fresh Fruits (YEAR 3)
Focused Skill
Listening & Speaking
Integrated Skills
Writing and Reading
Content Standard
1.1 pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Learning Standard
1.1.1 Able to speak with correct word stress.
1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing songs paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance..
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a.    Talk about a stimulus with guidance
b.    List out the fruits mentioned in the video.
c.    Categorize local and foreign fruits in the table provided
60 minutes
Teaching Aids
Markers, whiteboard, exercise sheets, video clip, Fruits Train (3D model)
Stage / Time
Teacher's Activity
Pupils's Activity

Set induction
( + 5 mins )
1. Teacher shows the Fruits Train (3D model) that displays various kinds of fruits as a stimulus for the pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils about some fruits that they know.

1. Pupils answer the questions that the teacher asked.
2. Pupils will orally tell the teacher about some fruits that they know (using their schemata).

Fresh Fruits.
·         Mango
·         Banana
·         Apple
·         Grape
·         Mangosteen

Question and Answer session between the teacher and the pupils.
a) Do you like fruits?
b) What fruits do you always eat?

Stage 1 (Presentation)
( + 15 mins )

3. A video is shown to the pupils about fruits. It contains songs about the characteristics, colours and the taste of the fruits.
4. Teacher asks the pupils some questions related to the video.

3. Pupils will observe the video and respond to the video shown to them.
4. Pupils list down the name of the fruits that have been mentioned in the video.
Use the video to create discussion and brainstorming among the pupils.

Question to be asked to the pupils:
a) What can you see in the video?
b) Do you like to sing the song?

Stage 2 (Practice)
( + 20 mins )

5.  Teacher then tells the pupils about the characteristics of one of  the fruits they have learnt today as an example.
6. A box is prepared for the pupils to play 'charade' game
7. Teacher observes the pupils and makes sure the game to be played fairly and smoothly.

5. Pupils listen attentively during the teacher's explanation about the characteristics of the fruits.
6. The pupils take the papers in the box to start playing 'charade' game.
7. They cannot talk and can only draw pictures of the fruits they got on the whiteboard.
8. Other pupils will try to guess and complete the characteristics of the fruits that have been drawn.

Teacher helps the pupils to write the characteristics on the whiteboard.

Make sure that the pupils apply the i-Think mind map to complete the game.

Ensure that teacher mentions about local and foreign fruits during the activity.

Stage 3 (Production)
( + 15mins )

8. Exercise sheets will be given to all of the pupils to complete the task regarding fruits.
9. Teacher gives simple instructions to the pupils about the exercise sheets.
10. Teacher assists the pupils during the completion of the exercise sheets.
11. Teacher puts up the main task sheet on the board and asks the pupils to categorize them correctly.
9. Pupils listen carefully to the instruction given by the teacher.
10. Pupils can raise their hands if they have any problems when doing the exercise sheets.
11. After they have finished, they will participate in categorizing the fruits in front of the class.
Categorize the fruits into local fruits and foreign fruits.

Pupils are given chance to share their answer with the class members.

Teacher and pupils discuss together the correct answer for the exercise sheets given.

Teacher asks what have they learnt throughout the topic learnt by doing question and answer session.

Teacher asks the pupils about moral values  about fruits.
Pupils answer the questions asked by teacher.

Pupils tell the moral values orally.
Question and answer session:
a)    Which fruits are local?
b)    Which fruit do you love the most?

Moral values:
a)    We should eat fresh fruits to keep our body fit and healthy.


let's see how a teacher teaches in kindergarten.

Done watching?
How was it?
So much fun in learning.
So much fun in teaching

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Hi visitors, readers and kids.

Did you know that....

There are variety of local fruits found in Malaysia. Some of them come in all year round and some come in seasons. These fruits are abundance when the fruits seasons come. You can find easily local fruits in Malaysia. These fruits are sell in stalls along the trunk roads of Malaysia, wet markets, shops, hyper markets, morning markets, night markets and so on.

Fruits here are abundance and cheap. A trip to Malaysia would not be a complete one if one have not tried the sweet, juicy and mouth watering local fruits. 

Want to try the sour fruits in Malaysia?
There are plenty as well.

Want to challenge with the taste of Malaysia fruit?

Take Durian as your opponent, you will find a strong opponent by challenging your taste bug. You may be over powering by this fruit.

Discover Malaysia fruits now yourself!
They are irresistable.


The establishment of this blog is to promote interactive learning via technology.
We chose topic "Fresh Fruits" for Year 3 to be taught using media such as video and blog.
Please support our project by following us.
We will provide you some knowledge related to fruits.
Enjoy :)

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